
Author: Keith Bourgoin, Emmett Butler

exception pykafka.exceptions.ConsumerStoppedException

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that the consumer was stopped when an operation was attempted that required it to be running

exception pykafka.exceptions.GroupAuthorizationFailed

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned by the broker when the client is not authorized to access a particular groupId.

exception pykafka.exceptions.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailable

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The broker returns this error code for consumer metadata requests or offset commit requests if the offsets topic has not yet been created.

exception pykafka.exceptions.GroupLoadInProgress

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The broker returns this error code for an offset fetch request if it is still loading offsets (after a leader change for that offsets topic partition), or in response to group membership requests (such as heartbeats) when group metadata is being loaded by the coordinator.

exception pykafka.exceptions.IllegalGeneration

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned from group membership requests (such as heartbeats) when the generation id provided in the request is not the current generation

exception pykafka.exceptions.InconsistentGroupProtocol

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned in join group when the member provides a protocol type or set of protocols which is not compatible with the current group.

exception pykafka.exceptions.InvalidMessageError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

This indicates that a message contents does not match its CRC

exception pykafka.exceptions.InvalidMessageSize

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The message has a negative size

exception pykafka.exceptions.InvalidSessionTimeout

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned in join group when the requested session timeout is outside of the allowed range on the broker

exception pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Generic exception type. The base of all pykafka exception types.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception pykafka.exceptions.LeaderNotAvailable

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

This error is thrown if we are in the middle of a leadership election and there is currently no leader for this partition and hence it is unavailable for writes.

exception pykafka.exceptions.MessageSizeTooLarge

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The server has a configurable maximum message size to avoid unbounded memory allocation. This error is thrown if the client attempts to produce a message larger than this maximum.

exception pykafka.exceptions.NoBrokersAvailableError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that no brokers were available to the cluster’s metadata update attempts

exception pykafka.exceptions.NoMessagesConsumedError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that no messages were returned from a MessageSet

exception pykafka.exceptions.NotCoordinatorForGroup

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The broker returns this error code if it receives an offset fetch or commit request for a consumer group that it is not a coordinator for.

exception pykafka.exceptions.NotLeaderForPartition

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

This error is thrown if the client attempts to send messages to a replica that is not the leader for some partition. It indicates that the client’s metadata is out of date.

exception pykafka.exceptions.OffsetMetadataTooLarge

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

If you specify a string larger than configured maximum for offset metadata

exception pykafka.exceptions.OffsetOutOfRangeError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

The requested offset is outside the range of offsets maintained by the server for the given topic/partition.

exception pykafka.exceptions.OffsetRequestFailedError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that OffsetRequests for offset resetting failed more times than the configured maximum

exception pykafka.exceptions.PartitionOwnedError(partition, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates a given partition is still owned in Zookeeper.

exception pykafka.exceptions.ProduceFailureError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates a generic failure in the producer

exception pykafka.exceptions.ProducerQueueFullError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that one or more of the AsyncProducer’s internal queues contain at least max_queued_messages messages

exception pykafka.exceptions.ProducerStoppedException

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Raised when the Producer is used while not running

exception pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Base class for protocol errors

exception pykafka.exceptions.RdKafkaException

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Error in rdkafka extension that hasn’t any equivalent pykafka exception

In pykafka.rdkafka._rd_kafka we try hard to emit the same exceptions that the pure pykafka classes emit. This is a fallback for the few cases where we can’t find a suitable exception

exception pykafka.exceptions.RdKafkaStoppedException

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.RdKafkaException

Consumer or producer handle was stopped

Raised by the C extension, to be translated to ConsumerStoppedException or ProducerStoppedException by the caller

exception pykafka.exceptions.RebalanceInProgress

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned in heartbeat requests when the coordinator has begun rebalancing the group. This indicates to the client that it should rejoin the group.

exception pykafka.exceptions.RequestTimedOut

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

This error is thrown if the request exceeds the user-specified time limit in the request.

exception pykafka.exceptions.SocketDisconnectedError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.KafkaException

Indicates that the socket connecting this client to a kafka broker has become disconnected

exception pykafka.exceptions.TopicAuthorizationFailed

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned by the broker when the client is not authorized to access the requested topic.

exception pykafka.exceptions.UnknownError

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

An unexpected server error

exception pykafka.exceptions.UnknownMemberId

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.

exception pykafka.exceptions.UnknownTopicOrPartition

Bases: pykafka.exceptions.ProtocolClientError

This request is for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker.